Riccardo Zoia studied organ and organ composition, choral music and choir conducting in Milan. He graduated with DAS (Diplome of Advanced Studies) in Gregorian Semiology and Paleography at the Conservatory of Music of Lugano (CH) and previously for eight years he attended the Gregorian courses in Cremona. He also studied Liturgical Theology: he is the author of various publications on musical topics in International journals. He’s a member of the board of the Italian section and of the international board of directors of AISCGre. From 2013, he has been teaching at the in Cremona. Founder and director of female Gregorian Schola “Concentus Monodicus”, Zoia is also editorial assistant of the journals “Vox Antiqua” and “Studi Gregoriani”.
In 2008, Zoia received the Paul Harris Fellow from Rotary International for artistic activities and in 2014 the award “L. Agustoni” for the best research in the field of the Gregorian semiology and paleography. Since 1972 he is titular organist of SS Pietro and Paolo Church in Brissago (TI-CH), since 1974 permanent artistic director of the St. Victor Polyphonic Choir of Verbania (I-Lake Maggiore) and since 1976 Chapel Master and added organist of the local Insigne Basilica Collegiata S. Victoris M. He performs many concerts as conductor of his ensembles; in the field of musicology he has rediscovered the manuscript works of the composer Bartolomeo Franzosini (1768–1853): he edited the critical edition of the Opera Omnia for the organ which was published in 2013. Zoia produced some of the critical edition of the works of Ottorino Respighi conducting the world premiere. He worked in radio productions and recorded many CD on the Gregorian and Ambrosian Chant. He is Full Professor at the University of Milan and in the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Milan.